Out-of-Stock CDs CD Řezník - Říše za Zrcadlem cdreznikrisezazrcadlem €11.75 Reznik finally drops his brand new solo album ŘÍŠE ZA ZRCADLEM (The Realm Behind The Mirror). It´s full of wicked shit, hate and nihilism. It is definately Reznik´s best work to this date. The album features his group mate DeSade and also Madchild on a track produced by Snowgoons. There are 15 tracks on the album. Cover design by Arbe. View
CDs CD Dead Team - Nebezpečná Aktivita cddeadteamaktivita €11.75 Debut CD from new ZNK project DEAD TEAM. Two ex-Terror Crew members EVIL DOPE and MR. NIGHTMARE set the world on fire with their wicked shit! Album features Řezník and Alfa Sekta. This is a preorder. Add to basket
CDs CD Snowgoons - GoonBap cdsnowgoonsgoonbap €13.75 Snowgoons are back with a new full lenght album and they bringing back the 90's. Goon Bap is a homage to the golden era of Hip Hop representing Boom Bap sound at it's finest. Package includes poster. Add to basket
CDs CD Sodoma Gomora - Multikill cdsgmultikillcd €11.75 Sodoma Gomora (Řezník a DeSade) will be releasing new record called Multikill. The dark, electronic neurohop sound was created by producers Coer and Malcuth. Album features guests such as Dope D.O.D., Hed PE, Sean Strange, Butcher's Harem, Haades and Heaven. Cd cover was made by czech painter Jan Gemrot. Add to basket
CDs CD Reel Wolf - Sinema ZNK Productions cdreelwolfsinema €13.71 3rd Reel Wolf compilation album with sick guests as always! Add to basket
CDs CD Resin - No Release Date ZNK Productions cdresinnoreleasedate €7.43 Reel Wolf's very own artist Resin and his 7 track EP. Add to basket
CDs CD Řezník - Strangulační Rýha ZNK Productions cdreznikstrangulace €13.71 Reznik strikes again with his brand new solo album called STRANGULAČNÍ RÝHA. The album contains 15 sick as fuck tracks including guests such as NECRO and Lex The Hex Master! Add to basket
CDs CD Lex The Hex Master - Beyond Redemption (Deluxe Edition) ZNK Productions cdlexthehexbeyond €13.71 MNE's own Lex The Hex Master drops new CD called Beyond Redemption! Cop this deluxe version with 16 dope tracks including feature guests such as Twiztid, Yound Wicked, Gorilla Voltage or Řezník! Add to basket
CDs CD Marty Da Virgin Slappa - The Day of Defloration EP ZNK Productions cdvirginslappa €27.35 Add to basket
CDs CD Řezník - Život a Smrt Alberta Hersche (AZAZEL VERSION) ZNK Productions cdreznikzivotasmrtazazel €13.71 Add to basket
Out-of-Stock CDs CD Řezník - Život a Smrt Alberta Hersche (ALBERT VERSION) ZNK Productions cdreznikzivotasmrtalbert €13.71 View