Out-of-Stock Posters Multikill Poster ZNK Productions plakatmultikill Kč99 Poster with Sodoma Gomora´s Multikill cover. View
CDs CD Sodoma Gomora - Multikill ZNK Productions cdsgmultikillcd Kč299 Sodoma Gomora (Řezník a DeSade) will be releasing new record called Multikill. The dark, electronic neurohop sound was created by producers Coer and Malcuth. Album features guests such as Dope D.O.D., Hed PE, Sean Strange, Butcher's Harem, Haades and Heaven. Cd cover was made by czech painter Jan Gemrot. Add to basket
Marty's Snorts Martyho Frky T-Shirt - Malý Sál trikomartyhofrky04malysal Kč499 Add to basket S M L XL XXL XXXL 4XL
CDs CD Řezník - BATEMAN (2CD) cdreznikbateman Kč260 Reznik is releasing his brand new album entitled BATEMAN - just like the main character from the movie American Psycho. It is a double album consisting of 2 discs - Patrick Bateman and Muzeum Mentálních Kuriozit (Museum of Mental Curiosities). Album features Psych Ward, Sean Strange, Heaven, Byzo and czech mcs DeSade, Haades, Evil Dope, James Cole, Hugo... Add to basket