Books Combo Kniha Vyvrhel + CD Vanessa Meisterstücke (podepsané) knihavyvrhelacdmeister €39.25 Add to basket
CDs CD Řezník - Hrozny Hněvu cdreznikhrozny €15.68 The brand new Řezník's project is called HROZNY HNĚVU, Grapes of Wrath in english... And boy, does he have A LOT of wrath to share! You can be hyped for 14 killer tracks, produced by Chubeats from Dope D.O.D. and Schyzo. It wouldn't be a proper release without guest artists, so get ready for the New York legend Non Phixion and horrocore artists Kung Fu... Add to basket
CDs CD Sodoma Gomora - Resuerekce cdsgresuerekce €13.71 The moment we were waiting for is finally here! Řezník and DeSade are finally here with their newest collab! The latest Sodoma Gomora album releases on 22.9.2022 and you can pre-order it starting from today! Album consists of 14 fire tracks filled to the brim with only the best pure-blooded horrorcore, emotions, black humor and chilling stories. The... Add to basket
CDs CD Redzed - Junkie Sex Appeal cdredzedjunkiesexappeal €11.79 REDZED is releasing a new album JUNKIE SEX APPEAL. This project is filled with features from all around the world. All music is produced by REDZED himself.!FIRST 250 ORDERS COME WITH A SIGNATURE! Add to basket
CDs CD Razakel - Muerta cdrazakelmuerta €11.79 Razakel´s "Muerta" album from 2012. True female horrorcore rap. Add to basket
CDs CD Razakel - Murder Potion (Remastered) cdrazakelmurderpotion €11.79 Razakel´s remastered classic record MURDER POTION from 2007 Add to basket
CDs CD Sicktanick - Prometheus cdsicktanickprometheus €11.79 SickTanicK Has returned with "Prometheus" an innovative Occult Rap spin on the Greek legend. Containing 11 tracks of a mixture of spoken word track and brand new tracks, this album promises to further redefine Occult Rap, giving an initiated perspective on the great mysteries of life, death, and beyond. Add to basket
CDs CD Stitch Mouth - The Southern Devil (Revisited) cdstitchmouthdevil €11.79 Stitch Mouth´s revisited classic THE SOUTHERN DEVIL Add to basket
Last items in stock CDs CD Team Death - Matthew 12:31 cdteamdeathmatthew €11.79 Album "Matthew 12:31" from infamous blasphemic duo Sicktanick and Razakel known as TEAM DEATH Add to basket
CDs CD Řezník - BATEMAN (2CD) cdreznikbateman €10.22 Reznik is releasing his brand new album entitled BATEMAN - just like the main character from the movie American Psycho. It is a double album consisting of 2 discs - Patrick Bateman and Muzeum Mentálních Kuriozit (Museum of Mental Curiosities). Album features Psych Ward, Sean Strange, Heaven, Byzo and czech mcs DeSade, Haades, Evil Dope, James Cole, Hugo... Add to basket
CDs CD Lord Lhus - The Devil Hates Pretty cdlordlhusdevil €11.79 South Carolina stalker LORD LHUS, the founding member of Bloodline, drops his brand new horrorcore album THE DEVIL HATES PRETTY. Add to basket
Out-of-Stock CDs CD Mortal Cabinet - Necrotica cdmortalcabinet €13.75 Debut CD Necrotica of supergroup (Řezník + Hauser / Vanessa + Štorm / Master´s Hammer) MORTAL CABINET. Mixed by John Fryer View